Upper back pain

Guidance and tips for managing post-acute upper back pain with sports in mind. These videos are designed to increase your awareness of how you move, feel and think about posture.

Before you start your journey to recovery, understand more about your pain here →


Upper Body Mobility

Your thoracic spine, known as the upper back, is less mobile than the lower back due to the rings formed by the ribs. Prolonged sitting, poor posture and very physical manual jobs increase the stiffness in this area.

Improving your thoracic mobility can help diaphragmatic breathing and reduce upper body injuries.


‘Proximal Stability for Distal Mobility and Reduction of Injuries’

This refers to the strength we can access from good posture. When we perform an exercise with good technique we reduce the load or pressure put through areas like the neck.

Watch this 20minute video for ideas on how to improve awareness and strength of your upper body.

Core Strength

Core strength allows you to maintain good postures during daily activities, sports and hobbies.

This strength requires thought and awareness of good and bad postures, technique, and control over the speed of the movement.

Find out more by watching this video.


Get in touch to understand your injury or book an appointment.

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