Lower back pain

As our body’s main goal is to move, prolonged sitting postures at work can lead to lower back pain. These videos are designed to increase your awareness of how you move, feel and think about posture.

Before you start your journey to recovery, understand more about your pain here →



How often do you sit for more than 20minutes without getting up to move?

If your work station is not set up correctly this could be contributing to your lower back pain.

Check out this 5minute video for simple ways to prevent your work leading to injuries!

Yoga at your desk

Moving little and often can make a huge improvement to lower back pain, as it is often sedentary positions that lead to injury.

This 2 minute video by the wonderful Jade cole makes this easy! Try this if you have been sitting more than 2 hours.


Pain in the back is often linked to restriction or tension through the spine and around the hips .

Try this 10minute lower body mobility sequence to help get things moving.

Core Stability Routine

Gymballs can be great ways to gently loosen and strengthen your spine.

Try this 20minute routine for postural control, core strengthening and gentle mobility or cool down.


Get in touch to understand your injury or book an appointment.

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